Resolution Solutions

168343358We’ve all been there: the first week of January and your resolve has never been stronger! Eat better, exercise often, keep tidy, make time for friends – you are a superstar! And then… ever so slowly February rears its head and your New Year’s resolutions seem like distant memories. How quickly your excitement can fade, and all your good intentions are beaten down by how busy and stressful life can be.
But fear not! Here at ShipShape, we believe in you! Keeping your resolutions should never feel like torture, and backpedaling should never feel like failure. Improving your life one step at a time should bring you joy and comfort. It should be a positive experience… and nothing else.
PrintSo, if keeping things organized both mentally and physically is on your list of resolutions (or you just added it this very minute), we’re here to help! Here are some of our best tips:
1. It’s been a month since Christmas and Hanukkah, and that gift your Aunt Cheryl got you is still sitting in the box. Aunt Cheryl means well, but she isn’t exactly the person you’d hire to be your personal shopper. Remember: Once you receive a gift and have said thank you — DO NOT feel obligated to keep it if you don’t like it. That’s why they call it a gift. You are free to let it go. And we all know Aunt Cheryl would rather you be happy than feel guilty (well… maybe).
Who... me? Neverrrrr

Who… me? Neverrrrr

2. You look at your list of resolutions and it seems endless. One person could not possibly turn that many things around in one year. Do yourself a favor: DO NOT get hung up on improving EVERYTHING. Write down three things you want to do in the next month. Make them achievable. Want to challenge your diet? Go meatless once a week instead of committing to vegetarianism cold turkey (pun intended!). Want to declutter your entire house? Start with something simple like the medicine cabinet. These might seem small, but they will be meaningful to you and give you the confidence to move on to bigger things!
Now that's a resolution I can get behind!

Now that’s a resolution I can get behind!

3. Decluttering your home doesn’t need to only serve the purpose of creating a nicer aesthetic. Purging does not always mean trash bags upon trash bags. Teach your kids generosity. Let them donate old clothes and toys to make room for the new ones they just received. It will help out your community and nourish your soul – what could be better!
The feel-good type of decluttering

The feel-good type of decluttering

4. Weight loss is by far the most sworn upon resolution out there. In the dead of winter you dream of the beach, the sand… it’s just your swimsuit that gives you nightmares. Our tip? Pack up all the clothes you hope to fit in to one day. As the weight comes off, reintegrate those clothes into your closet, and store away the clothes that are now too big for your svelte frame. Your closet does best when it reflects who you are today.
Got any other tips and tricks for sticking to those pesky resolutions? Email us, tweet us @sylviashipshape or post on our facebook wall! We’d love to hear from you!

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